dinsdag 30 april 2013

New Commandment . . . Agape!

Fifth Sunday of Easter-Year C
April 28, 2013

First Reading: Acts 14: 21-27
Psalm: 145: 8-9, 10-11, 12-13
Second Reading: Revelation 21: 1-5a
Gospel Reading: John 13: 31-33a, 34-35

Jesus said in today’s gospel, “I give you a new commandment . . .” (Jn.3:34).  What do you think and feel about this gospel?  This is as if you have never heard and experienced before; as if this is something new and does not happen yet; and it will only happen in the near future.  Is there something new that men and women do not know since the first man and woman had eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?  And even John, the Evangelist, was saying, “I saw new heaven and a new earth, and the former earth had passed away, and the sea was no more . . .” (Rev. 21:1).  He already saw a new heaven and a new earth.  So, what is new?  Can we say that we saw already all the things we need to see?  Then, why did Jesus say to his disciples and even to us that he will give us a new commandment?

Jesus continued and said: “Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you also should love one another” (Jn. 13:34).  Why Jesus said this?  What makes Jesus’ love so different and unique from the others’ love?  As I have loved you . . . so you also love one another.”  Is this love the same as, like for example, the love of man and woman to each other; the love of husband and wife, the love of father and mother to their children, etc., and your love to someone/somebody?  What does Jesus mean when he said, “Love one another.”?   Do we not truly loving one another?  Is our love for one another is showy love, not real, fake, plastic and not complete love?  Then what is this love Jesus was referring to?  And how can we show real and true love to one another, as Jesus is commanding us to do?

In truth and in reality, the traditional love we inherited and received from our ancestors, on the one hand, is the love we understood, and is called “eros” – an erotic love, carnal love, sexual love, worldly or earthly love which is also materialistic and selfish love, a self-centered love just to satisfy our animalistic instinct.  Therefore, it is individualistic love.  Jesus, on the other hand, is offering a new kind of love never before being thought and taught of, which is called “agape” – sharing, life-giving sacrifice, other-centered love, an easy to lay down one’s life for a friend’s love, a 180 degree love.  This love Jesus is giving to us as a new commandment is our model and example in loving one another, for the world does  not know.

zondag 28 april 2013

Love one another . . . A New Commandment

Dear brothers and sisters,

May God give you peace!

For our 5th Sunday of Easter C-Year of Faith, English Mass readings, on April 28, 2013, see below.  God bless!

Fr. Yosi, OFM

First Reading: Acts 14: 21-27

21 After Paul and Barnabas had proclaimed the good news to that city and made a considerable number of disciples, they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch. 22 They strengthened the spirits of the disciples and exhorted them to persevere in the faith, saying, “It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.”  23 They appointed presbyters for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, commended them to the Lord in whom they had put their faith.  24 Then they traveled through Pisidia and reached Pamphylia.  25 After proclaiming the word at Perga they went down to Attalia.  26 From there they sailed to Antioch, where they had been commended to the grace of God for the work they had now accomplished.  27 And when they arrived, they called the church together and reported what God had done with them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.

Responsorial Psalm 145: 8-9, 10-11, 12-13
Response: I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God.

8 The LORD is gracious and merciful,
   slow to anger and of great kindness.
9 The LORD is good to all
   and compassionate toward all his works. ( R )

10 Let all your works give you thanks, O LORD,
     and let your faithful ones bless you.
11 Let them discourse of the glory of your kingdom
     and speak of your might. ( R )

12 Let them make known your might to the children of
    Adam, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.
13 Your kingdom is a kingdom for all ages,
     and your dominion endures through all generations. ( R )

Second Reading: Revelation 21: 1-5a

1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.  2 I also saw the holy city, a New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.  3 I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, God's dwelling is with the human race. He will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself will always be with them (as their God).  4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, (for) the old order has passed away.”  5 The one who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new."

Gospel: John 13: 31-33a, 34-35

31 When Judas had left them, Jesus said, “Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him.  32 (If God is glorified in him,) God will also glorify him in himself, and he will glorify him at once.  33 My children, I will be with you only a little while longer. You will look for me, 34 I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.  35 This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

zondag 21 april 2013

Jesus' voice

Fourth Sunday of Easter-Year C
April 21, 2013
Year of Faith

First Reading: Acts 13:14, 43-52
Psalm: 100:1-2, 3, 5
Second Reading: Revelation 7:9, 14b-17
Gospel Reading: John 10: 27-30

Jesus, our Lord and Savior, asked Peter and the other Apostles, the previous week, to take care his sheep and lambs by feeding them of the Good News, tending them to their needs spiritually and physically, and loving them the way He loved them.  Afterwards, He said to them, “Follow me,” as He will continue serving the sheep and lambs entrusted to Him by God His Father and our Father until the end of time.  This apostolic ministry will not end until He comes again and claims all He owns.

 And today, Jesus explains to them and to us why these feeding, tending and loving are very important works  for Him.  He said, “My sheep hear my voice.  I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27).  We are His sheep and He is our Shepherd.  He knows and understands each one of us through and through, for He scrutinizes us, dissects us, dichotomizes us, etc. – for He loves us inside out.  And as his sheep, we listen to His voice.  We are familiar to the intonations, volumes, softness, gentleness and tenderness of the sound of His voice.  We follow Him in every direction His voice leads us to and fro, for we know that we are safe with Him, that He protects us from all harmful elements in the surrounding environment, to the wild beast, weather, etc., and that He brings us to green pasture/field, on the one hand.  And, on the other hand, as our Good Shepherd, as He said, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.  No one shall snatch them out of my hand” (John 10:28).  He is ready to defend us, by giving up His own life for us.  He showed this self-giving sacrifice on the Tree of life, as we have seen and observed in the last few days ago.  He offered His self in exchange for our salvation and forgiveness of sins, so that no one shall perish, except he who does not believe, trust and no confidence to Jesus’ saving act and undeniably everlasting forgiveness; that for Him past is past, everything is new and everyone has a new chance to live a happy life in His presence. 

Another reason for these works is this, “My Father is greater than all, in what he has given me, and there is no snatching out of his hand” (John 10:29).  God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father, does the same works His Son does for us.  Jesus imitates what God, His Father does for the good of His children and creatures.  When God creates something good, Jesus finishes it completely and perfectly.  When God hands over us to Jesus, Jesus makes sure that we ill become like Him, in His image and likeness, good, very good. (cf. Genesis 1:26-27, 31); and when He returns us to God, His Father, nobody will be lost or snatch out from Jesus’ hands.  For one thing is sure, as Jesus said, “The Father and I are one” (John 103), and the same, in loving us, protecting us, in shepherding us.

Therefore, as Jesus followers and Father’s children (sheep and lambs), we should listen to His voice attentively – with well-trained ears, attuned to the vibration of His speech, always awake to respond to His call, and ready to follow Him wherever He leads us, especially to His Father, for with Jesus we are safe and nobody can snatch us away from Him.

Questions for Reflection:

1.  Do we listen to Jesus’ voice, and follow Him? Or, are we listening to other voices?

2.  How do we know that it was and is Jesus’ voice?

3. What do we do to remain to His flock as sheep and lambs, so that nobody can snatch out us from His hands?

zondag 14 april 2013

Walang iwanan!

3rd Sunday of Easter C – in the Year of Faith
April 14, 2013

First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 5:27-32, 40b-41
Responsorial Psalm 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11, 12-13
Second Reading: Revelation 5:11-14
Gospel Reading: John 21:1-19

Ano ang gagawin natin/mo kapag ang lahat ng sa atin/sa iyo ay biglang nawala na? na ang tangi natin/mong pag-asa ay umalis na o lumisan na at naglaho na? namatay na? na abo na?  Papaano kung iniwan o iiwanan kayo/ka na at siya’y lilisan na?  May gana pa ba kayo/ka na magpatuloy, mangarap, magsumikap para maging matatag kayo/ka, sama-sama pa rin at magda-damayan para sa magandang kinabukasan?  Susuko na lang ba tayo/ka na lang ba, na para bang ibabagsak na lang natin/mo ang lahat sapagka’t gumuho na ang atin/iyong mundo? wala na ang ating kasama?  At ang lahat ng atin/iyong pagsusumikap, mga plano at naipundar ay ma-a-abo na lang? liliparin na lang ng hangin, itutumba na lang at hahayaan na lang natin/mong mabulok hanggang sa ang lahat ng ito ay matunaw sa wala?  Parang wala na, wala ng buhay, wala ng kalatuy-latoy ang buhay; parang walang nangyari sa hinaba-haba ng pagsasama, ng mga karanasang pinag-saluhan, ng mga karanasang dinanas at pinag-daanan? 

Ang lahat ng ito at iba pa ang naging karanasan, damdamin at kaisipang pinag-daraanan ngayon ng mga Apostol Pedro, Juan, Santiago, Andres at mga kasama ng ating Panginoong Hesukristo matapos na siya ay hulihin, husgahan, pahirapan, saktan, magpasan at ipako sa krus, hanggang sa siya ay mamatay at ilibing.  Para sa mga Apostol at disipulo, wala na ang Panginoon at nawala na rin ang kanilang pananampalataya, pag-asa, at pagmamahal.  Para sa kanila ay nalibing na rin ang lahat-lahat sa kanila at patay na rin sila, ng akalain nilang si Hesus ay tuluyan ng namatay at naglaho.  Kaya si Pedro ay naghubad na ng kanyang kasuutan at nagsabi sa kanyang mga kasama na “Babalik na lang ako sa pangingisda.”  At, sampu ng kanyang mga kasama ay nagsabi na sila ay sasama rin sa pangingisda sa kanya; na para bang gusto nilang sabihin na: “Balik na lang tayo sa dating gawi,” babalikan na lang nila ang dati nilang ginagawa, dati nilang buhay, total wala na ang kanilang kasama, pinuno, kaibigan, guro o maestro at Panginoong Hesukristo.

Magka-kanya-kanya na lang ba tayo o ikaw at bahala na total patay na o wala na ang atin/aking inaasahan at pag-asa ng si Hesukristo?  Hanggang dito na lang tayo.  O hanggang dito na lang nga ba?

Pagbalik nila Pedro, Juan at Santiago, Andres at iba pa, sa dagat o sa dating gawi, para mangisda ay bakit gayon, wala silang nahuli kahit isang isda gayong magdamagan pa sila sa laot?  Bakit naging mailap sa kanila ang mga isda? At maging ang pampang ng dagat ay parang lumayo sa kanila?

Ang sagot ay dahil sa ang dati nilang buhay at nakasanayan ay nagbago ng dumating si Hesukristo sa kanilang buhay.  Sila na mga sanay o dalubhasa sa pangingisda at alam o kabisado nila ang pasikut-sikot ng dagat, dahil dito na sila lumaki at nabuhay, na kabisado nila pati ang kalaliman o maging ng pampang ng dagat sa Galilea.  Maging ang pagkilos at alon ng dagat ay alam nila kung marami o kakaunti ang isdang naroroon.  At sa bawa’t hagis nila ng lambat sa tubig ay sigurado silang marami silang mahuhuling isda.  Subali’t sa kabila ng lahat ng ito – ang kanilang pagiging sanay na mangingisda, ang kanilang kabuhayan at maging ang kanilang pamilya, ay kanila ng tinalikdan ng sumama sila kay Hesukristo; na sila doo’y mas mabuhayan ng loob, lumaki ang pag-asa, lumaya sa maliit nilang mundong ginagalawan, narating ang mga hindi inaasahang lugar, naka-tagpo ng iba’t-ibang klase ng tao (mayaman, mahirap, may kapangyarihan, alipin, malusog, mahina, may pinag-aralan mangmang, at iba pa).  Naturuan din sila ng karunungan ng mga maka-Langit na bagay, gayon din ng pakikibaka sa mga masasamang element, ng katarungan at pag-respeto sa lahat.  Lumaya sila sa kanilang pagka-alipin sa sarili, at nagkaroon sila ng bagong buhay, ng bagong daan at ng bagong katotohanan.  At ang lahat ng ito ay dahil kay Hesukristo na kanilang Kaibigan, Guro at Panginoon! 

Nguni’t komo wala o mawawala na si Hesukristo ay maglalaho na rin ang kanilang natutuhan at naranasan mula sa Kanya, at hindi na nila ipagpapatuloy ang mga gawaing itinuro Niya sa kanila. Gayon na lang ba iyon? 

At tulad ng inaasahan, di sukat akalain nina Pedro, Juan at Santiago, ni Andres at iba pa mga kasama nila sa bangka na sila ay tawagin at sabihan ng isang tao mula sa pampang sa gayong oras na magma-madaling-araw, kung may nahuli ba sila at ituro sa kanila kung saan maraming isda malapit sa pampang.  Tulad rin ng dati, ang tunay na nagmamahal ang mas makaka-kilala sa kanyang minamahal, ay nagsabi: “Ang Panginoon iyon!”  At sa pagkasabi nito, silang lahat ay nabuhay ng loob.  Nagkalakas at sumigla muli sila, at nanumbalik ang pag-asa.  Mas luminaw na ngayon ang kanilang pang-unawa sa mga nangyayari sa kanila.  At sa sandaling iyon, agad nagbihis muli si Simon Pedro sa kanyang kahubaran.  Isinuot  niyang muli ang hinubat niyang damit ng bagong pagkatao - ng pananamplataya, pag-asa at pag-ibig na may paglilingkod.  Ngayon ay handa na ang lahat, handa na sila sa muling pagdating at pagpapakita sa kanila ng Panginoon, ng pakikisalo sa kanila sa pagbubukang-liwayway.  At upang makatiyak na alam na nga nila ang kanilang gagawin sa kanyang pag-alis, sa kanyang paglisan ay maka-tatlong beses silang tinanong ng ating Panginoong Hesukristo sa pangunguna ni Simon Pedro na: “Iniibig ninyo ba ako ng higit pa dito (sa mga isdang ito, sa dati ninyong buhay at gawi, na gusto ninyong balikan)?”  At maka-tatlong beses din nilang pinatunayan ang kanilang pagmamahal at pagsunod sa ating Panginoon.

Ngayon ay mas handa na sila, sa kabila ng pagdating, pagpapakitang muli at paglisan ng ating Panginoong Hesukristo, at magpa-alam sa atin, ay naniniwala na sila na sumasa-atin pa rin ang dakilang Panginoong Hesukristo kahit na Siya ay liliwan; upang ipagpatuloy natin ang lahat ng ating natutuhan sa Kanya; higit sa lahat ang pakainin, mahalin at alagaan natin ang Kanyang kawang iiwan Niya sa atin sa kabila na wala na siya dito sa lupa at hindi na makaka-sama . . . At kahit na iiwanan na tayo ng ating Panginoong Hesukristo ay mananatili pa rin natin siyang kasama hanggang sa katapusan ng panahon!

Is it end of everything . . . and back to former life?

Third Sunday of Easter-Year C

April 14, 2013
Year of Faith 

What will you do when everything you have suddenly disappeared? Or that the only person or thing you hope for will go away or leave you behind and vanish? or die and/or turn into ashes? How about if someone leaves or forsakes us, and he or she will be no longer with us, are there still enthusiasm to go on in us, to continue dreaming, striving for us to be more steady, and still living together and mutually supporting one another for better future, despite the lost? Or do we just give up, that’s for sure we just drop all because our world comes to an end, for our companion is no longer here present? And are all our efforts, plans and all that we have saved will just turn into nothing, like dust in the wind, and will let them put to rot until they all dissolve into nothing? And, are they seem nothing, seem no more life in us, no life, (walang kalatuy-latoy), worthless life in us; as if though nothing happened after all those intimate years of integration, after all those long experiences partaken, and those encounters shared and all the unifying ways we have done?

All this and more are the experiences, feelings and thoughts the Apostles Peter, John, James, Andrew and other disciples are undergoing now when the Lord Jesus Christ was arrested, judged, tortured, and later carrying and nailed on the cross, until he died and was buried in the tomb. For the Apostles and disciples, the Lord was dead and gone, and so also their faith, hope and love are finished. For them also everything is buried in the tomb, and therefore they are also dead; for as they thought Jesus was dead and disappeared forever, due to their unclear mind and lack of faith in the resurrection.

So Peter, still in his younger age, is stripping his garments and saying to his companions that he will just going back to fishing. And, together with his associates, they also agreeing to Peter by saying that they will join him in fishing, that is for sure they wanted to say also that, “Let us go back to our old ways;” they are going back to what they did before, from their former lives; for anyway, everything is totally gone, most of all their Leader, Friend, Teacher or Master and Lord Jesus Christ.

With the same thought, feelings and experiences of the Apostles and disciples, do we want also to go on our own individually? And/or do what we would like to do as we did before, with no more caring, with no more concern for one another and no more plans for our brighter future?  Anyhow, all the things we care about are totally gone, dead or turned into ashes and blown by the wind.  Even our expectations, hopes and dreams are dead after our Lord Jesus Christ died.  We are just up to here and no more.  But, are we really sure that is the end of the world for us and is it up until here only?

When the rest of the group of Peter, (i.e., James and John, Andrew and others) returning at sea or in their old ways, why is it they were not able to catch fish even though they were at the sea all night long?  Why is it the school of fish becomes distant yet very near to them, they are only about a hundred yards along the shore?  And why even the shore is as if very far from them?

The answer is because their former life and their daily usual routines were changed when Jesus Christ came into their lives. They who were trained or skilled in fishing and they knew the sea, for here they grew up and lived, as they mastered the depth or even the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Even the movement of the sea waves, they have known how much or little fish present in that area. And in every catapult or throw of their nets into the water, they were sure they could catch many fishes. But despite all of this expertise of being trained fishermen, as their livelihood and even their family business, they rejected them all, and followed and joined in Jesus’ movement; so that, they were more alive inside out, their hopes were raised higher, there were more freedom in the little world they were in; they reached unexpected places, being in convergence with different kinds of people (rich, poor, powerful, slaves, healthy, weak, educated, ignorant, etc.). They were also taught of the wisdom of heavenly things as well as combating the evil ones, and being taught also of justice and respect for all. Freedom was given to them from their bondage to selfish self; and they had a new way, a new reality, a new life. And all of this is because of Jesus Christ, their Friend, Teacher, Master and Lord!

But now that Jesus Christ was dead and gone, so also they lost (for the meantime) what they have learned and experienced from him, and that they will no longer continue the work He had taught them. Is it just like that, just as if Jesus was not true to what He promised?

And as expected the unexpected, it is unthinkable for Peter, James and John, Andrew and others who were in the boats to be called and told by someone from the bank of the shore at such time of early morning dawn where they can catch more fish, actually as it is recorded, about 153 large fish.  As usual, the true lover is more able to know his beloved, said: It is the Lord!And having heard this, they all found life in them again. They become persuasive and strong again, and hope restored in them once more. Suddenly, everything now is clearer as morning dawn.  They understand now what is going to happen to them, especially to Peter when he grows old and how he will die. And, at that very moment, Simon Peter quickly dressed himself up again in his nakedness. (Maybe this refers to Adam (and even to Eve) when he was in Paradise naked and without malice, but after sinning he covered his nakedness).  He put on again the clothes he threw – that is his new life, authority and disposition - of faith, hope and love to the Lord, in service to the people of God. Now, as they conquer fear and regain their courage, all the Apostles and disciples are ready to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, as the new day dawn, at the table set by the Lord with bread and some fish.  And to make sure that they know what they are going to do when he departs, He asked them, through Simon Peter as their representative and leader, three times: Do you love me more than these? (pointing to the 153 fishes more or less representing the total number of nations known in the ancient Near East, or to their boats (former life)  and clothes (old habits) they want to revert or go back). Three times also they responded that they would like to prove to Jesus their love and obedience to Him.

From the Sea of Tiberias and now to the Temple in Jerusalem, in front of the Jewish leaders (the Sanhedrin), they are more prepared to obey God rather than men (or themselves), courageous enough to announce the Holy Name of Jesus as witnesses of His resurrection.  Now, they believed in the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, although He departed them is still in them and in us.  They and as we are now displaying their and our trust again in His word and promise, that although He is leaving them and us, He is still upon us, through his flock – the lambs, the sheep, the people of God - by continuing serving them by loving, feeding and caring his flocks He left to us . . . And even if He leaves us, our Lord Jesus Christ will remain in us until the end of time.

Personal Experience

When my parents died, I thought it’s the end of the world because they supported me, guided me, helping me to become strong, independent and wise.  I did not realize that they trained me and given me all the possibilities to become more mature and self-sufficient, and to have a sense of self-sacrifice for others, so that I can stand straight even when strong typhoons, winds, etc. (problems) come into my life.  What I was thinking about the death of my parents was that I’m alone, abandoned, an orphan.  But, after a while, it came to my mind, to my senses, that my parents are still with me, still present in my life, for they were able to teach me despite of their absence all the facts of life.  All they have taught me, I should have used them to continue their presence in my life, until we meet again in the next life.  Nevertheless, I cannot forget them and still remember them all the days of my life because I love them very much.  Nay, Tay, I love you!  Lelang, Lelong, Lola, Lolo, ate Solly, mga kamag-anak, pinsan, kaibigan at kakilala, mga nabensiyonan, at kayong nasa kabilang buhay na . . .  I still love and miss you all.  Rest assured that I will always pray for you to God our Almighty Father!