July 16, 2017
First Reading – Isaiah 55:10-11
Psalm 65
Second Reading – Romans 8:18-23
Gospel reading according to Matthew
(13:1-23 or 13:1-9)
Seldom Jesus stayed at home for a long period
of time; he often went out to seek people to teach them about God his Father, about
Reign-Kingdom of heaven and even heavenly things where he came from. “On that day, Jesus went out of the house and
sat down by the sea. Such large crowds
gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat down, and the whole crowd
stood along the shore” (Mt. 13:1-2).
On that day, he went out from the house of Simon Peter where he was staying
to the sea where there are many people to see him so that he can teach
them. He easily caught the attention of
the crowds and they gathered around him until he was pressed by the
people. So, he decided to ride on a
boat. Sitting as the gesture of a teacher,
so Jesus sat down to start teaching the crowds.
“And he spoke to them at length in
parables, saying: ‘A sower went out to sow.
And as he sowed, some seed fell on the path, and birds came and ate it
up” (Mt.13:3-4). The first parable
he gave was about the sower who sowed the seed, and some of the seed fell on
the pathways. This kind of soil is hardened
by the foot path made by men in the passage of time. So the seed that fell on it do not live and
the birds ate of it. We can consider this
kind of soil to people whose hearts was hardened by their experiences. The Word of the Lord cannot penetrate into
their hearts for they closed them, so also they are easy prey of the devil
(birds) that came and ate the Word of God.
“Some fell on rocky ground, where
it had little soil. It sprang up at once
because the soil was not deep, and when the sun rose it was scorched, and it
withered for lack of roots” (Mt. 13:5-6).
Another kind of soil, rocky ground, with less soil on top of it while
the bottom is full of rock, that’s why the root cannot penetrate deeply. The seed grew easily but because of less soil
when the sun rises and scorch the plant it easily withered for lack of
soil. We consider this kind of soil where
the Word of God is easily grows to those people yet whose hearts are shallow. When problems come (heat from the sun), it
easily surrenders and gives up the Word of God, and withered. “Some
seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it”(Mt.
13:7). Because of the allurement of this
world and the temptation of the flesh with regards to material things, this
kind of soil, with thorns, the seed cannot grow up. Its priority is the pleasure of the flesh/of
this world rather than the Word of God that gives life. “But
some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or
thirtyfold”(Mt. 13:8). The sower is
still hopeful, for what was lost will be replaced by an abundant yield. The good soil can replicate the seed that was
lost, if not wasted.
The same with us, our hearts can be a
foot path soil that the seed fell on its surface, or rocky ground with less
soil and the seed cannot penetrate its roots for it is full of rock at the
bottom, or thorny thistle that the seed can choke, and the rich soil, good soil
that it can yield abundant produce. All
of these are recipients of the Word of God.
What matters is how we accept the Word.
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