zondag 17 september 2017

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

September 17, 2017

First Reading – Sirach 27:0-28:7
Psalm 103
Second Reading – Romans 14:7-9
Gospel reading according to Matthew (18:21-33)

Homily: On Forgiveness from the heart

Pete approached Jesus and asked him, “Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him?  As many as seven times?”(Mt. 18:21).  How many times must I forgive my brother, only up to seven times? After the seventh, I can no longer forgive my brother, for he already consumed my patience?

Nowadays, we see, hear and learn even the media are telling us that many of our brothers and sisters are killing, hurting, fighting one another and doing vengeance without forgiving not only to big misunderstandings but even to a small, insignificant issue.  There is no longer patience and forgiveness and mercy in the heart and mind of men and women.  Almost all people would like to get even to the others.  So we can ask, “Where is this forgiveness we value?”

Jesus, our Lord, answered Peter, “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times” (Mt. 18:22).  As if Jesus was saying to Peter and to us that when we forgive, it must be total, unlimited, and final.  We hear many times the saying that “. . .  even though you have not yet committing or doing sin and not yet asking for forgiveness, you are already forgiven,” we must be ready to forgive the sin of our brothers and sisters, for to forgive sin is holy work of charity and make us holy.  When we forgive sin, our sins also are forgiven.  No one among us have no sins.  Sometimes our sins are worse than the others.  So, forgive from the heart and you will be forgiven.

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