zondag 14 april 2019

Monday of Holy Week

April 15, 2019

First Reading: Isaiah 42: 1-7
Psalm: 27
Second Reading:
Gospel reading according to John 12: 1-11


Jesus knew that he will die sooner or later if he goes to Jerusalem and be arrested by the authorities and those in power – the Sanhedrin, although it is not yet his time.  But still he went to Jerusalem by Bethany, to visit his friends Lazarus, Martha and Mary.   Six days before Passover Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead” (John 12: 1).  There in Bethany Lazarus was, he was the one whom Jesus raised from the dead and to bring life as his planned to give glory to God, his Father.

The family of Lazarus gave a welcome celebration to Jesus and to his disciples.  They gave a dinner for him there, and Martha served, while Lazarus was one of those reclining at table with him” (John 12: 2).  Lazarus, as a host and friend of Jesus, was also reclining at table with him. Martha, on the one hand, prepared the food, set the table and other humble works; she was very active and busy-body of the house so to speak.

While Mary, sister of Lazarus and Martha, on the other hand, was silently preparing something unique, she brought out with her the expensive perfume she kept for this occasion. “Mary took a liter of costly perfumed oil made from genuine aromatic nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and dried them with her hair; the house was filled the fragrance of the oil” (John 12: 3).  She poured out all the content of the genuine aromatic nard on the feet of Jesus as if she was anointing Jesus.  She also exposed herself by letting loose her hair (nilugay ang kanyang  buhok) to dry the feet of Jesus, of which it is unlawful and should not be done of any women in front of any men.   The smell of the perfume spread all over the house. It seems as if they are already in heaven, the fragrance of the perfume filled the whole house, like the burning incense in the tent of the Lord of Host.

One of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who held the money (treasurer or bursar) of the group, the one who will betray Jesus for thirty silver coins criticized and protested against what Mary did to Jesus’ feet (but not the whole body).  Then Judas the Iscariot, one of his disciples, and the one who would betray him, said, ‘Why was this oil not sold for three hundred days’ wages and given to the poor?’  He said this not because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief and held money bag and used to steal the contributions” (John 12: 4-6).  Judas was thinking of “what a waste of money” (nanghihinayang) to be thrown away only on the feet of Jesus, the Christ.  He was thinking of the cost of perfume – a three hundred days wages of laborer’s work, that was so expensive perfume and/or a lot of money to steal.  He did not mean to say also to sell the perfume and give the proceeds to the poor, but he was more interested to the money of the sold perfume in the market.  So, Judas faced Mary and scolded her of what she did, of wasting money (pouring out all the aromatic nard oil) to a nonsense act of charity and love by her to Jesus. 

Jesus rebuked Judas.  He stopped Judas in scolding Mary for what she did to him, for Mary was preparing the coming death of Jesus.  So Jesus said, ‘Leave her alone. Let her keep this for the day of my burial. You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me’.” (John 12: 7-8).  This is one of the many realities Jesus revealed, that there are always poor, even in his time up to the present time, there are always poor in our society because of the dishonest, deceitful, unfair and corrupt leaders.  He said also that he will be gone in this group, that they will not have always him for he will be gone soon.  He truly accepted the will of his Father to die for the sake of many sinners.

At that moment also, many people learned and heard that Jesus came in Bethany, in the house of Lazarus, Martha and Mary.  So they went not only to see Jesus but also Lazarus who rose from the dead and back to life again.  The large crowd of the Jews found out that he was there and came, not only because of Jesus, but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead” (John 12: 9).  They would like to see by their own eyes that truly there is resurrection from the dead as what had happened to Lazarus.  And they believed after witnessing that the news is true and not fake news.

Because of this, many Jews were moving out of the Jewish (Hebrew) religion and following Jesus because of what they have seen and they believed.  And the chef priests plotted to kill Lazarus too, because many of the Jews were running away and believing in Jesus because of him” (John 12: 10-11).  The chief priests were convinced and decided to kill Jesus in any way and by all means possible, for Jesus was becoming too much for them.

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