zaterdag 23 november 2019

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (C)

November 24, 2019

First Reading: 2 Samuel 5: 1-3
Psalm 122 “Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.”
Second Reading: Colossians 1: 12-20
Gospel reading according to Luke 23: 35-43


The rulers of the people, such as the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, the elders, and the whole Sanhedrin, together with king Herod Antipas and the Roman Procurator, Pontius Pilate, were in one mind to condemn Jesus and put to death by crucifying him on the cross, for he became their greatest fear and enemy that the Jewish religion might be abolished and of the Roman state who were afraid of riots and rebellions.  In this event also, Satan was present in every step of the way even there in crucifixion site at Calvary (Golgotha, also known as the Mountain of Skull), as he promised that he will tempt Jesus for the last moment/hour of his life.  If he did not succeed in his temptation in the desert before Jesus' ministry, this might be his last chance to tempt the Son of God before he dies.  Not in his appearance but Satan used other people to tempt Jesus.  First there were those rulers of the people who followed Jesus to mock, scorn and deride in his crucifixion.  The rulers sneered at Jesus and said, 'He saved others, let him save himself if he is the chosen one, the Christ of God' (Luke 23: 35).  They thought that Jesus will give in in such trick, that he might abandon his fate, his destiny as planned by God before the foundation of the world.  Only now the rulers recognized what Jesus did to the Jewish people, He saved others; he performed many miracles, taught and preached the good news of salvation from all kinds of sin, showed loved, compassion and mercy, whom they, the rulers, did not do.  They wanted that Jesus also save himself from this coming death, but Jesus was ready since the moment this event was revealed and shown to him in many occasions; for example, first during his baptism by John in the River Jordan and driving him in the desert by the Holy Spirit, second during his transfiguration in Mount Tabor, and third during his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, and many other occasions to name but a few.  Nevertheless, the rulers did not believe him that he was the chosen one, the Christ of God.  If they believed him they would not put him to death and they became his followers, but because they deviated from the true religion and the truth of God and they became used to their false teachings and easy lifestyle they did not want to change the status quo.  Instead of condemning Jesus the rulers were the ones being weighed and they found wanting and lacking.  Satan failed with the rulers of the people to tempt Jesus.

The second group of people used by Satan to deliver his temptation to Jesus was the soldiers.  These soldiers might be the Temple soldiers used by the Sanhedrin to make sure that the execution and death of Jesus be executed and realized.  The soldiers booed and used abusive words (foul language) against Jesus` humanity and divinity.  Even the soldiers jeered at him.  As they approached to offer him wine they called out, 'If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself' (Luke 23: 36-37).  In this instant a flash of the reality and actuality of Jesus was revealed by the soldiers, if you are the King of the Jews, whether they were certain or uncertain to what they said, his being a King was mocked even by the soldiers.  They wanted him also to come down from his crucifixion.  They also wanted that Jesus saved himself from thirst, for he cried out, I am thirst.  The soldiers thought that Jesus was physically thirsty, that was why they brought him wine soaked in cloth so he can sip from it, but his thirst was thirst for justice and peace to all.  The soldiers did not win to send down Jesus from the cross.  Satan again was failed to tempt Jesus by these soldiers, in the second time.

His recognition as a King was inscribed in a piece of wood nailed on the top of the cross above his head.  Above him there was an inscription that read, 'This is the King of the Jews' (Luke 23: 38).  The verdict of his crime was that he claimed according to his accusers that he was the King of the Jews, which the Jews shouted it and Pontius Pilate questioned it. But for in truth and in fact he was truly a King but not on this earth alone, but of the whole universe, these include heaven and earth and the heavenly bodies.

The third and last temptation of Satan was when he used one of the criminals with him crucified; whose name in the Church tradition was Hestas.  Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus, saying, 'Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us' ((Luke 23: 39).  This criminal hated and despised, detested and abhorred Jesus Christ for known or unknown reason.  He tested Jesus Christ too by asking him, Are you not the Messiah?  He was thinking that by saying this he might convince Jesus to show his power and might.  That Jesus will do what he was asking for, save yourself and us.  Jesus will never do that, he will not save himself at the caprice of this thief, of the soldiers or the rulers of the people neither of Satan.  He will obey only his God and Father rather than men and demon.  Again, for the last time, Satan was failure in tempting Jesus with this thief.

The other thief, whose name was Dimas, in the Catholic Church tradition, who was also crucified with him, who knew their predicament and fate, yet had fear in the Lord God, was convinced that Jesus was truly a King, the Messiah sent by God as the chosen one.  He reprimanded Hestas by reminding him of the fear of the Lord and that their condemnation was justly given to them.  The other, however, rebuking him, said in reply, 'Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same condemnation?  And indeed, we have been condemned justly; for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing criminal.'  Then he said, 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom' (Luke 23: 40-42).  Instead of tempting Jesus to save himself and them, he asked forgiveness for all the sins he had committed in his life.  He recognized Jesus also as King that is why he was able to say, Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom. Like Dimas, we too, as his disciples, must recognize, acknowledge and accept Jesus as our King and Savior, and at the same time to promote the Reign-Kingdom of God here on earth where justice, peace, and love ruled and governed in our community as well as in ourselves.  We must extend the Kingdom of God to our neighbors and that can be seen also in ourselves this justice, peace and love, mercy and compassion towards others and to all creation. 

Then at last, Jesus showed what kind of kingship he has, which is of compassion and mercy, forgiveness and love.  He replied to him, 'Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise' (Luke 23: 43).  Though Jesus did not directly said to Dimas that he has forgiven him, but the moment he said that, today you will be with me in Paradise, he received forgiveness, love, mercy and compassion plus the Paradise (Kingdom of Heaven).  Truly Jesus Christ is the King of the Universe.  Mabuhay ang Kristong Hari ng Sanlibutan! Long live Christ Jesus, the King of the Universe!

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