zaterdag 20 juni 2020

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

June 21, 2020

First Reading: Jeremiah 20: 10-13
Psalm 69 “Lord, in your great love, answer me.”
Second Reading: Romans 5: 12-15
Gospel reading according to Matthew 10: 26-33
Homily: Jesus sends out the Twelve

Jesus is about to send his chosen twelve disciples, sometimes called Apostle(s), meaning “one who is sent, to be sent,” to the pagan and Samaritan territories.  Before he sends them, as a good leader, he gives them instructions on what to do and to say when they are already in the pagan places.  Pagans here are either those people who have many gods and goddesses to serve and worship or none (nothing) at all.   Jesus said to the twelve: ‵Fear no one.  Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known′.” (Matthew 10: 26).  Jesus also informs his disciples that the people they will meet in the pagan territories are different as compared to the Jewish people, either they are hot or cold, either virtuous or ruthless.  Virtues because they have many gods and goddesses who teach them good living; and/or ruthless, evil for they do not have gods and goddesses who teach them moral life.  These pagan people are fearsome and frightening, too when you meet them.  But Jesus said to his disciples that there is nothing to fear, still they are human beings, created in the image and likeness of the same God and Father of our Lord Jesus.  He knows that their still goodness in every heart of these people.  If they are strong in appearance outside of themselves, still they have weaknesses inside of themselves.  They, too, have hidden secrets and these are their weaknesses that need to be opened up, to be brought out to light and forgiven and purified through repentance.    

Jesus also recalled the many incidence that he taught his disciples many things during the night, for very often he cannot teach them during the day because of the crowds following them.  The darkness of the night that covers and hides them from the gossipers and observers (usyoosero at usyosera), is only their chance to talk seriously about heavenly and earthly things.. “‵What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the light; what you hear whispered, proclaim in the top house′.” (Matthew 10: 27).  He said to his disciples that whatever they heard from him during the night’s instructions and trainings, in their private meetings and discussions, let them speak to share and let other people know them in the brightness of the day.  Whatever he whispered so that only they can hear what Jesus was saying to them, it is now the time to speak louder at the top of their voices, even “in the top of the roof,” as a saying goes. 

When they go to the pagan and Samaritan territories, they are expected to meet different personalities with different positions and authorities, powerful men who can drive them away if not reprove them or accept them as guests and let them preach and roam around in their communities.  These men in positions, some of them are local councils, governors and kings, police and soldiers, “‵And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna′.” (Matthew 10: 28).  When they go to the pagan territories, they might be tortured, punished and even killed for what they believed the apostles wanted to correct.  The people in that territory can bring to the court a complaint against the disciples for they are bringing new teaching about Jesus the Nazorean.

Jesus gives encouragement to his disciples whom he is going to send.  As if he is saying to them, “do not worry.” Bahala ang Diyos sa inyo, “God will protect you.”  “‵Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin?  Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father′s knowledge.  Even all the hairs of our head are counted.  So do not be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows′.” (Matthew 10: 29-31).  He gave an example to them to boast their spirit, like small birds sold to be burnt offerings in the temple.  Another example is the hair on the head, even those hairs are counted by God.  How much more our life, so precious and important to the Lord God.  We are more important than the small birds and hairs in our heads.

The disciples must be convinced that they know what they have to say or proclaim to the pagans and the Samaritan.  They are convinced to what they are saying.   “‵Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father.  But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father′.” (Matthew 10: 32-33).  It is important that they are the first to acknowledge Jesus in times of trouble or even in times of acceptance.  Because the will become convincing to the peoples they will meet in the different places and/or territories.  When they acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God, they too will be acknowledged of Jesus in front of God, his Father.  Thus, the twelve disciples are set and ready to go mission.

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