September 27, 2020
First Reading: Ezekiel 18: 25-28
Psalm 25 “Remember your mercies, Lord.”
Second Reading: Philippians 2: 1-11 (or
2: 1-5)
Gospel reading according to Matthew 21:
Jesus asked the opinion of the chief priests and elders of the people, (his listeners) about the parable of the two sons whom their father asked them to go and work in their vineyard. “Jesus said to the chief priests and elders of the people, ‵What is your opinion? A man had two sons. He came to the first and said, ‵Son, go out and work in the vineyard today.′ He said in reply, ‵I will not, ′ but afterwards he changed his mind and went′.” (Matthew 21: 28-29). The father came to the first son and told him to go out and work in the vineyard, but the son said in reply to his father′s request, “No, I will not go and work.” It was not indicated by the evangelist Matthew the reason(s) why the first son did not want to go and work in their vineyard. Most probably he was thinking they have many servants and the father also can hire laborers to work in their vineyard. Or he was busy with worldly affairs and he wanted to enjoy life rather than to work under the hit of the sun (mababad sa araw at mainitan), perspire, get callous on his hands. He wanted an easy and comfortable life. Like the tax collectors and prostitutes (sinners), they wanted easy money. But maybe he realized, as Jesus said, the goodness of the father and his industriousness to meet their daily needs, so he decided to go and work in their vineyard, any way it’s theirs. The father learned what his first son did.
Jesus continued his parable. “The man came to the other son and gave the same order. He said in reply, ‵Yes, sir, but did not go′.” (Matthew 21: 30). The father came to the second son and said the same thing as he said to his first son. This second son answered his father with affirmative response. He said, “Yes, I will go and work in the vineyard, but he did not go.” Again, Matthew did not give us the reason(s) why the second son who said, “Yes,” but he did not show up. Most probably he too was busy in his own business affairs, did not want to be disturbed in his prayer, meditation, silencing, or even in his teaching and preaching the ordinary, simple, ignorant people in the synagogue or temple, or busy in writing and/or copying the scriptures, like the chief priests, scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, elders and leaders of the people and in the Temple in Jerusalem. The father also saw what his second son did.
Jesus separated the two sons according to their own wishes, caprice, freedom and free will. On the one hand, the first son first disregarded the will of his father but later obeyed the command of his father. On the other hand, the second son first gave an affirmative response but later did not show up himself, go and work in their vineyard.
Then, Jesus asked them a question, “‵Which of the two did his father′s will?′ They answered, ‵The first.′ Jesus said to them, ‵Amen, I say to you, tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the Kingdom of God before you′.” (Matthew 21: 31). He asked them, which of the two sons obeyed their father’s will. And they answered, the first son. Jesus told the chief priests and the elder that the first son represented the tax collectors and prostitutes. They are sinners who disobeyed God′s will and command, who said, “No,” but when they heard the voice of God in the wilderness and his message through John the Baptist, that God loves them, for they are his children (sons and daughters) and he is their Father, loving, merciful and compassionate Father, and asking only one condition that they repent and turn back from their sins and change their lives (and they go and work in the vineyard). The second son represented the chief priests, scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, elders and leaders of the people who did not listen to the voice in the wilderness but followed their own designs.
Jesus reminded the chief priests and the leaders of the people, (those who are learned, wise, holy, prayerful, teaching the Law of Moses, and all knowing), that the poor, simple, unlearned John who baptized and proclaimed repentance of sin for the Kingdom of God is at hand but not yet, many simple people, sinners and outcasts of society listened to John’s message except them. “‵When John came to you in the way of righteousness, you did not believe him; but tax collectors and prostitutes did. Yet even when you saw that, you did not later change your minds and believe him′.” (Matthew 21: 32). Jesus said that John came to them but they did not believe him, rather they disregarded his message of repentance for the sake of the Reign-Kingdom of God. They were chosen by God to lead the people of Israel, his vineyard, but instead they suppressed them, overpowered them and made themselves their lords and kings, instead of leading the people to God, their Father and Creator. The tax collectors and prostitutes (those who are sinners) did obey the will of the Father.
God always gives
us a chance to amend our lives. He is
always ready to welcome us to his vineyard (Reign-Kingdom of heaven) for we too
are his children whom he loved, in spite of our sinfulness and disobedience.
Either the first son or the second, if we treat the vineyard as our own, we do
not need to be told by our Father to go and work, rather we are always ready to
go and work in our vineyard, the Reign-Kingdom of God.
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