zaterdag 20 januari 2018

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

January 21, 2018

First Reading – Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Psalm 25
Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Gospel reading according to Mark (1: 14-20)


Homily:  This is the time of fulfillment.  The Kingdom of God is at hand . . .

The man of repentance and forgiveness, the man of simplicity and humility, the one who cried in the wilderness, John the Baptizer, had been arrested (Mark 1:14) and put to dungeon because he was telling the truth.  Nevertheless, the truth cannot be detained and be hidden in the dark prison. Yet, someone must continue what John had begun.  In the scene “Jesus came to Galilee,” of all the places why Galilee it is because in this place he can freely preach the Gospel, as compare to the River Jordan where it is near to the center of political and religious leadership of Jerusalem “proclaiming the Gospel of God: ‘This is the time of fulfillment.  The Kingdom of God is at hand.  Repent and believe the Gospel’.” (Mark 1:14-15).  Nobody will arrest him in Galilee and many ordinary and simple people living there are not bias and not easily sway.     

The first public appearance of Jesus after his baptism of John in the River Jordan and after his temptation in the desert was in Galilee proclaiming the Gospel of God’s goodness, mercy and love, as signs of forgiveness and the Kingdom of God.

While roaming around the seashore, “as he passed by the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets into the sea; they were fishermen” (Mark 1:16).  Jesus knew them and Simon and Andrew knew him for they were introduced by John while he was still free.  Jesus called Simon as Peter (rock) after Andrew brought Peter to Jesus. (see last week gospel, Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, B). While Jesus was coming closer to them, for he knew them, “Jesus said to them, ‘Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Mark 1: 17). They will no longer catching fishes in that sea, but they will be gathering men and women for the Kingdom of God.  Immediately Simon and Andrew “abandoned their nets and boats and followed him (Jesus)” (Mark 1: 18).   He walked along a little farther and saw James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John.  They too were in the boat mending their nets” (Mark 1: 19).  John was disciple of the Baptist John together with Andrew who followed Jesus when they heard from the Baptist that Jesus was the Lamb of God.  Maybe John, now the beloved disciple of Jesus introduced James, his brother, to Jesus as what Andrew did to Simon Peter.  Then he (Jesus) called them” (Mark 1:20).  It was easy for them to follow Jesus for they knew him who he was, and it was easy for them to leave behind their father Zebedee and their nets (kabuhayan), their industry for he has many hired men.  So they left their father Zebedee in the boat along with the hired men and followed him” (Mark 1:20).  

Jesus did not and does not choose mem and women of high caliber, with higher education, with higher position in society to become his disciples.  What he wants and he calls are men and women who can be trained to become servants of all, ready to gather all peoples with different backgrounds, cultures, political motivations or religious affiliations, for the sake of the Kingdom of God.  Whoever you are, and whatever you are, you are chosen by Jesus to become his disciples.   Like Peter and Andrew, James and John, they were ordinary fishermen without title, without higher education or higher position.  They were simple and humble fishermen, but they were strong, truthful, obedient and ready to obey to the calling of Jesus.  They are ready to leave behind their properties, their nets and boats, and father (Zebedee), even their families to proclaim that “This is the time of fulfillment.  The Kingdom of God is at hand.  Repent and believe the Gospel’.” (Mark 1:14-15).   

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