zaterdag 20 juli 2019

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

July 21, 2019

First Reading: Genesis 18: 1-10a
Psalm: 69 “He who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord.”
Second Reading: Colossians 1: 24-28
Gospel reading according to Luke 10: 38-42

Homily: Martha and Mary

Jesus informed many people that in their villages, through his disciples and apostles, he will come and visit them.  One of the villages he visited was the village in Bethany, to the house of Martha, Mary and Lazarus.  Jesus had special relationship with Martha, her sister Mary, and her brother Lazarus.  They were expecting the coming of Jesus beforehand as announced by his apostles.  So Martha and Marry were very busy in preparing the house, the utensils they will use, the food and drinks they will share, and they themselves were also prepared.  Everything was set and ready, but Martha exaggerated a little more touches.  And Jesus came.  Jesus entered a village where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him” (Luke 10: 38).  As truly good hosts of so important a guest and friend, they prepared the day of the coming of the Lord in their house.  Martha was the first one who welcomed Jesus and his companions in their house.  Martha offered sits and served the Lord and his disciples aperitif, afterwards she continued setting the table and the food she was cooking.  She was very busy and later realized that Mary, her sister, was out of the kitchen and not helping her.  This is an ordinary scenario when we are receiving guests or visitors or friends in our house, we prepared food and drinks first before meeting and facing (istimahin) our guests.  But, in that village, an important guest was entering the house of Martha, of Mary and Lazarus.

Who is Martha who welcomes Jesus?  She is a typical Jewish woman who does not mingle with the Jewish men.  She is the stereotype woman whose role is in the house – kitchen, food and drink, cleaning the house, washing and ironing clothes, washing the dishes, marketing, etc., the works usually do of women, and if she is married, raising and taking care of children.  She avoided talking, listening and speaking with other people, or exchanging ideas; for her what is important is the order of the home where she lives.  She does not go out, making friends, a silent type woman whose occupation is work, work and work in the house.  Maybe the only time she goes out is when she worships in the Temple in Jerusalem which is near to their place, a walking distance, two miles from Bethany to Jerusalem.  Martha is hospitable to her special guest – Jesus.  Hospitality is one Martha believed its importance.

So entered Mary, the younger sister of Martha and Lazarus, who was interested to Jesus more than anything else.  She had a sister named Mary who sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak” (Luke 10: 39).  Mary ignores the rule of hospitality and left Martha worked alone in the kitchen in order to sit and to listen to Jesus and to learn from him.  Mary did what was not supposed to do by a Jewish woman in front of men, sitting at the feet of a man (Jesus), who was not her husband, a brother or a father.  With all men in the reception/receiving room, Mary listened to Jesus’ words while sitting at his feet.  She did not mind the Jewish traditions and rules, especially the role of women in the Jewish society.  She liberated herself from the grip of male dominance when she sat at the feet of Jesus.  While Jesus respected the right of Mary to be with his (male and Jewish) disciples, to sit and listen to him.

And, who is this Mary who sits at Jesus’ feet? Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus, who sat at the Lord’s feet when he visited her family in Bethany, had chosen "the better part," that of listening to the master's discourse.  Mary took "the place of a disciple” by sitting at the feet of the teacher. It was unusual for a woman in first-century Judaism to be accepted by a teacher as a disciple.  By sitting and listening to the words of Jesus Christ, she does what a theologian epitomizes.  She studied the words of Jesus Christ and applied them for her community’s enlightenment and action.

Martha, who did all the works to give satisfaction to their special guest, felt overburdened.  She needed the helping hands and/or extra hands from her sister, Mary.  For her to set the table and the food to be served were the most important than to sit and to listen, and sometimes to share in the discussion, were secondary in attending (istimahin) the visitors’ need. “Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said, ‘Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving?  Tell her to help me’.” (Luke 10: 40).  As their special friend and very close to the family, Martha was so familiar to Jesus; he was also treated as the elder brother of the family, so she confidently told Jesus to scold Mary and go to help Martha (abalang-abala) in the kitchen.  That was what Martha only needed, a helping hand, a helper to make the work fast and finish before meal.  This is also her way in showing her love to Jesus.

But as a true friend, Jesus did not only come to eat with them, but also to know their conditions, how are they? Kuwentuhan at kumustahan.  This is the last day they see each other, for he is going to Jerusalem, to his death.  The Lord said to her in reply, ‘Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. . .’” (Luke 10: 41).  His time is limited and running out short.  He wanted to spend the last remaining days of his life to his close friends.  If he was left alone in the “sala” while his close friends were busy preparing and making food for him, how can he enjoy their company?  Jesus also showed his love to Martha when he repeated saying her name.  Thus, he said to Martha that she was anxious and worried about unnecessary things, especially the food for the visitors and guests.  Here he is, their close and intimate friend who only needs their quality time, their presence and listening ears, heart and mind towards him, which he found to Mary.

What Mary did was to be with Jesus, sat at his feet and listened to his words.  “. . . ‘Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her’.” (Luke 10: 42).  She spent quality time to Jesus.  She listened to his words.  Jesus said that Mary has chosen the better part of friendship, sitting, listening and learn the good news from a friend, a truly and special friend. That’s the way she loves Jesus.  Both sisters, Martha and Mary, showed their love to Jesus.  Martha’s love is shown in her work and Mary’s love is shown in her sitting and listening to Jesus’ words.

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