Feast of Our Lady of the Angels
August 2, 2020
Reading: Isaiah 55: 1-3
145 “The hand of the Lord feeds us, he answers all our needs.”
Reading: Romans 8: 35, 37-39
reading according to Matthew 14: 13-21
Jesus went mourning when he heard of the death of his cousin, John the Baptist, by King Herod Antipas. Now, there is no more voice to be heard in the wilderness that will shout injustices and human rights violations. No one who will defend the rights of the people in Israel for they killed the prophet. John was silenced by his enemies. “When Jesus heard of the death of John the Baptist, he withdrew in a boat to a deserted place by himself. The crowds heard of this and followed him on foot from their towns” (Matthew 14: 13). But Jesus is still around. Nevertheless, Jesus remained sad for the news he heard about John’s death. He needed to be alone, to reflect to what are going on in his society. Why these killings, rampant hunger, diseases, different sicknesses and illnesses, possessions of the evil spirits and many problems experiences by his countrymen. So he went alone by boat to a deserted place to pray, to enlighten his heart and mind, to understand what are going on, and what to do with the help of his heavenly Father. But the crowd saw him leaving, so they followed him and reached the place first where Jesus was going. The crowds who are in need, hungry, sick, problematic can easily detect what is going on. They can easily find solution. They are very sensitive.
When Jesus reached the place he was intended to go and be alone and to pray, and when he disembarked, he saw at once the crowd waiting for him. “When he disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, and he cured their sick” (Matthew 14: 14). As human as he is and who has compassionate and merciful heart like God his Father, instead of going to mourn about the death of John and to pray for his eternal repose, he was not able to do so but instead he cured the sick with them. He prioritizes and concerns the needs of the poor, the oppressed, the marginalized and the excluded of the society. He does not go away, or hide himself from the people who are in need of his help.
When the disciples came late in the afternoon and saw also the vast crowds of people, they became worried on how to feed these thousands of individuals. So they came to Jesus and suggested to send them away and find food for themselves. They cannot share the little food they brought for themselves. “When it was evening, he disciples approached him and said, ‵This is a deserted place and it is already late; dismiss the crowds so that they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves′.” (Matthew 14: 15). Jesus knew that some in the crowds have their food. He knew also that they can share whatever food they have. So, he was not worried about food, what he worried more was when he sends them away, they may collapse and fall because of the long journey in returning back home and it is almost late at night. And Jesus knew the intention of the disciples to preserve for themselves the little food they have.
Jesus sensed all this and he knew what to do, he did not listen to the suggestion of his disciples. He said to his disciples not to send away the crowd but instead he commanded his disciples to bring out the food they brought. “Jesus said to them, ‵There is no need for them to go away, give them some food yourselves.′ But they said to him, ‵Five loaves and two fish are all we have′.” (Matthew 14: 16-17). But the disciple’s complained that they had only five loaves of bread and two fish. They are not enough to feed thousands of people with these loaves and fish.
But still, he said to bring them to him, just trust and have confidence on him. “Then he said, ‵Bring them here to me,′ and he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who in turn gave them to the crowds” (Matthew 14: 18-19). After asking his disciples to let the crowds sit on the grass, he performed the Eucharistic rite by “taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who in turn gave them to the crowds.” And the miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fish happened. All of this was witnessed not only of his disciples but even the crowds saw had happened, because he performed it in front of them.
The disciples also were asked to collect all the food left so that nothing will go waste. And to their surprise, they collected twelve wicker baskets full of loaves; excluding fish, maybe they consumed the fish, for it was not mentioned whether or not they were able to collect fish. “They all ate and were satisfied, they picked up the fragments left over – twelve wicker baskets full. Those who ate were about five thousand men, not counting women and children” (Matthew 14: 20-21). The disciples also were able to count the number of people present in the site, five thousand men, not counted the women and children, so it was truly a vast crowds.
Jesus, as a good servant leader and
master, does not decide on his own. He
usually consults his Father who art in heaven whenever there are problems or
issues he is facing. That is why he needed to be alone, to reflect and to pray
to what are going on in his society. Why
are these killings, rampant hunger, diseases, different sicknesses and
illnesses, possessions of the evil spirits and many problems experiences by his
countrymen? So he goes alone to a
deserted place to pray, to enlighten his heart and mind, to understand what are
going on, As human as he is and who has compassionate and merciful heart like
God his Father, when needs arise, instead of going to mourn about the death of
John and to pray for his eternal repose, for example, he was not able to do so
but instead he cures the sick. Jesus also knows that some in the crowds who
follow him have brought their food. He knows
also that they can share whatever food they have. So, he is not worried about food, what he
worries more is when if he sends them away, they may collapse and fall because
of the long journey in returning back home and it is almost late at night. He
also commands his disciples to bring out the food they brought and share them. What the disciples need is just trust and
have confidence on him. We too have the
capacity to share whatever we have, especially in times of need, nowadays that
we are experiencing the pandemic covid-19 virus, the abuse of government
leaders of their power and authority when creating an anti-terrorist bill,
rampant killings of alleged drug pushers and users, and small drug lords but
the big time drug lords and Chinese syndicates can escape the law, the
oligarchy and dynasty in all areas of government positions without any concerns
with millions of Filipino people who lost their jobs, unsolicited hunger due to
lock down and in the guise of quarantine, people are asking also the ameliorations
of which the local barangay and municipal officials follow and imitate, for what
their leaders in higher positions are doing, so they were putting them (money)
in their pockets. Jesus also concerns about
these, he cannot tolerate these, and he does not escape or hide himself in these
moment of trials, where some government leaders are enjoying life while thousands
or millions are suffering from hunger and sickness. We have God who is compassion and merciful.
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