zaterdag 8 augustus 2020

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

August 9, 2020



First Reading: 1 Kings 19: 9a, 11-13a

Psalm 85 “Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.”

Second Reading: Romans 9: 1-5

Gospel reading according to Matthew 14: 22-33



Despite of his loneliness and sadness of what had happened to his cousin, John the Baptist death, he was able to serve the crowds by healing their sickness and feeding them with five loaves of bread and two fish brought by his disciples.  After he had fed the people, Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and precede him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds” (Matthew 14: 22).  After feeding the crowds, he told his disciples to get into the boat and precede to the other side of the shore and they will meet him there, while he dismissed the crowds and sent them home.  There is no more problem in sending him for they were all satisfied with the bread and fish.

Then, he continued his plan, to pray and meditate to his Father on behalf of John′s death and what is happening in his society. “After doing so, he went up on the mountain by himself and pray. When it was evening he was there alone” (Matthew 14: 23). He looked for a mountain in that deserted place and went up on it by himself and pray.  It was evening and he was alone in that place.  As if the darkness (evil) is winning against the light (God, Jesus Christ), and no one can support him or help him in this struggle between good and evil for he is alone.

On the other side of the mountain, in another side of the shore, the disciples were struggling also against the strong wind, against nature.  Meanwhile the boat, already a few miles offshore, was being tossed about by the waves, for the wind was against it” (Matthew 14: 24). The disciples, most of them, were fishermen like Peter, Andrew, James and John, so they knew very well the movement of the sea, when it is calm or when it have deluge and when it has strong wind.  They are also familiar with the depth, width, breath of the sea for they grew up in the sea and their life were the sea.  So that they have no fear of the sea.  But this time, they were confused and afraid of the strong wind they are encountering, for the wind was against them.  They cannot control the boat′ ups and down, and sideways, going forward and backward.  It was really terrible experience. Then, suddenly, in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus came, walking on the sea, and coming toward them. “During the fourth watch of the night, he came toward them walking on the sea” (Matthew 14: 25).  After meeting with his Father and receiving confirmation of what he was doing was right and proper he came back to his disciples to encourage them and to believe in him as Son of the Living God.

The disciples saw someone or something walking on the sea, but they did not recognize that it was Jesus.  What they saw was a vision, something like apparition, a phantom. “When the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified. ‵It is a ghost′, they said, and they cried out in fear” (Matthew 14: 26).  Again, they were terrified of what they were seeing in their sight.  They thought it was a ghost, a spirit of the sea, so the more they were afraid. But Jesus, aware of what the disciples were thinking and were shielded with fear ad trembling, at once called their attention and guaranteeing them that it was he and not a ghost or spirit they thought.  At once Jesus spoke to them, ‵Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid′.” (Matthew 14: 27).  Jesus spoke to them and gave them courage not to fear, it is he, Jesus.

Peter, the leader of the group, wanted to be sure that it was Jesus, asked him to come to him.  And Jesus permitted him to come and to walk on the water.  Peter said to him in reply, ‵Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on water′.” (Matthew 14: 28).  He allowed Peter to come to him and meet him on the sea.  He said, ‵Come.′ Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus” (Matthew 14: 29).  Peter, first got out of the boat and was able to walk on the water, he was almost closer to Jesus.  But when he saw how strong the wind was he became frightened, and, beginning to sink, he cried out, ‵Lord, save me′!” (Matthew 14: 30).  But, instead to focus his attention to Jesus alone, he looked at the coming strong wind and waves, so he became frightened that he might be drown and taken away by the waves away from Jesus and his companions.  He called Jesus to save him from sinking and drowning.  Sometimes, when strong winds in our lives come, like problems, struggles, disappointment, kasawian, sorrows, kaapihan, and all kamalasan sa buhay, we give up easily. We do not see that all of these are trials and tests how strong is our faith in God, in Jesus Christ.

Jesus who is always ready to save those who call for help, stretched out his hand and caught Peter sinking.  Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, and said to him, ‵O, you of little faith, why did you doubt′?” (Matthew 14: 31). Both of them standing on the sea, first, privately, he scolded Peter for having little faith on him, he questioned his doubt.  After Peter saw what this Jesus can do, he became strong in his resolved that Jesus is not only Lord who gave what the people needed but also has power even nature, of water, of sea, of sky and all living and non-living things, especially of life.  He is also the Savior of the world.

Both of them, Jesus and Peter, got into the boat.  After they got into the boat, the wind died down” (Matthew 14: 32).  Immediately, the strong wind and waves died down, and the sea became calm.

The other disciples, who were frightened and afraid before became strong also in their resolved as they witnessed a while ago that their Master and Teacher was walking on the sea, as well as Peter.  Those who were in the boat did him homage, saying, ‵Truly, you are the Son of God′!” (Matthew 14: 33).  They believed with conviction that Jesus was truly the Son of the Living God.

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